The Trifid Nebula (M20), one of the most spectacular optical nebulae,
is trisected by obscuring dust lanes. This nebula is located at a distance
of 5,400 light years in the Sagittarius spiral arm and is powered by a
cluster of hot stars. These regions are denser than the space surrounding
them, and will slowly be eroded by the interstellar medium where they
reside. This image shows details of a small region in the bottom left
corner of the entire optical nebula. A number of features are noted in
this image. A semi-circular shaped dust cloud is illuminated by the radiation
from the central stars of the nebula, located toward the top right of
the image. Another remarkable feature is a long narrow jet extending to
the upper right hand part of the image. It is thought that an embedded,
young stellar object at the base of the jet spews giant pillars of hot
gas into the interstellar space surrounding it.
(Courtesy of NASA's Hubble Space Telescope)
Animation of Contrast
Distance from Earth
Trifid Nebula
5,400 light years
